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Contact Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn for DUI, DWI & Drug Crimes Defense

If you’ve been charged with a crime in New York State including Nassau County, Suffolk County, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, or Staten Island, you need a criminal attorney you can trust. With more than 50 years of experience, the law firm of Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn has an in-depth understanding of all aspects of criminal law. Our extensive knowledge, skills, and resources help us aggressively represent you in court. We can represent you whether you’ve been charged with a serious felony or a basic misdemeanor. Our experienced attorneys will fight for your rights, and we’d be happy to review your case and provide you with a free consultation.

Schalk, Ciaccio
& Kahn, P.C.

143 Willis Ave.
Mineola, NY 11501



Hours of Operation
24 Hours a day

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Criminal Defense Services in Nassau County, NY

Our criminal defense attorneys are here to defend you whether you’ve been charged with DUI, DWI, drug crimes, or any other charges. Be sure to contact Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn to help you fight the following charges:

Our experienced lawyers can also help seal your criminal record. In addition, we can help you with the following personal injury services in Long Island, NY:

Serving the Long Island, NY Community

Our law firm’s office is located in Mineola, NY on Mineola Blvd, just south of the Jericho Turnpike. If you’re taking the turnpike, exit south on Mineola Blvd and pass Washington Ave. We’re on the southwest corner. We’re proud to represent the hard-working people of Long Island’s Nassau County and Suffolk County. Contact Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn, P.C. today for your free consultation